Mutimedia Design and Branding

December 2022

Foi Bonita a Festa

Website Design and development for Foi Bonita a Festa, a film production company focused on cinema and contemporary art film founded in 2021 by Catarina de Sousa and Pedro Neves Marques. 
Reflecting their work experience in places such as Lisbon, São Paulo and New York, the film production company aims to build bridges both disciplinary and geographical. 

April 2021


Worked during 4 weeks with a dynamic web solution for SILFEN STUDIO. The overall design process approach was Design Thinking, while SCRUM was used in the implementation phase.

Coded Prototype ︎
HI-FI Prototype ︎
Documentation ︎

December 2021

Brand Identity Guidelines

In a short time period and during Erasmus program in ESMAD - School of Media Arts and Design in Vila do Conde/Porto - Portugal, I had the chance to create and design the logotype for a fictional hotel & spa - Finis as well as all the guidelines for the designed visuals.
The main tools used were InDesign, Photoshop and Ilustrator.

Full manual ︎

May 2022

Dutch Design Charrette

This project won the Dutch Design Charrette.
Based on the demands given by the stakeholders, Greenhouse and Handpicked, the idea was based on the incorporation of the Metaverse in Boijmans Museum.